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2023-08-08 15:50 次阅读
描述:Title: Sensory Perception Lesson Plan for Children with AutismIntroduction:Teaching children with autism requires specia
Title: Sensory Perception Lesson Plan for Children with Autism

Teaching children with autism requires special consideration, as they often experience difficulties in sensory perception. Creating a sensory-friendly environment and designing appropriate activities can greatly enhance their learning experience. This lesson plan aims to provide guidance on teaching sensory perception to children with autism.

The objective of this lesson is to help children with autism develop and improve their sensory perception skills, leading to enhanced sensory integration and overall cognitive development.

1. Various sensory objects: textured balls, soft fabric, scented objects, etc.
2. Visual aids (pictures, charts, or flashcards)
3. Musical instruments or recorded sounds
4. A quiet, low-stimulus environment
5. Various textured materials such as sand, water, and playdough


1. Introduction (5 minutes):
- Start by explaining the concept of sensory perception in simple terms, such as "how we use our senses to understand the world around us."
- Use visual aids to illustrate the five senses: sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell.
- Briefly discuss how children use their senses to explore and understand their surroundings.

2. Sensory Stations (15 minutes):
- Divide the class into small groups and set up sensory stations around the classroom.
- Each station should focus on a different sensory experience, such as touch, sight, or sound.
- Allow students to rotate through the stations, spending a few minutes at each one.
- Encourage students to explore and interact with the sensory objects provided.
- Provide support and guidance as needed, helping students to describe their sensory experiences.

3. Sensory Walk (10 minutes):
- Set up a sensory walk area using various textured materials like sand, water, or playdough.
- Guide each student individually through the sensory walk, encouraging them to step or sit on different textures.
- Prompt them to describe the sensations they feel under their feet or hands.

4. Sensory Sorting Activity (10 minutes):
- Provide a variety of objects with different textures, smells, and sounds.
- Instruct students to sort the objects into categories based on their sensory characteristics (e.g., rough vs. smooth, loud vs. quiet).
- Encourage students to explain their reasoning for each sorting decision, promoting language development.

5. Sensory Storytelling (10 minutes):
- Read a sensory-focused story aloud, preferably one that emphasizes different sensory experiences.
- Engage students by encouraging them to touch, smell, or listen to objects or materials related to the story.
- Discuss the sensory elements present in the story and ask students how they can relate to those experiences.

6. Closure (5 minutes):
- Recap the main concepts discussed during the lesson.
- Allow time for students to share their favorite sensory experience from the class.
- Reiterate the importance of sensory perception in understanding the world around us.

Teaching sensory perception to children with autism requires creating a sensory-friendly environment and providing appropriate activities. This lesson plan provides a framework for implementing engaging and inclusive activities aimed at improving sensory perception skills.




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