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2024-02-04 17:33 次阅读
描述:How to Pronounce "Autism" in EnglishAutism is a neurological and developmental disorder that affects how a person percei
How to Pronounce "Autism" in English孝义市康复中心,福州市仓山区小海豚语训康复中心,湖南省长沙市长沙县星苑

Autism is a neurological and developmental disorder that affects how a person perceives and interacts with the world around them. It is characterized by difficulties in social communication and interaction, as well as restricted and repetitive patterns of behavior, interests, or activities. The word "autism" is of Greek origin and is pronounced as "aw-ti-zuhm" in English.

The pronunciation of "autism" can be broken down into four syllables. The first syllable, "aw," is similar to the sound of the letter "o" in the word "awe." The second syllable, "ti," is pronounced as "tee" and rhymes with the word "key." The third syllable, "zuh," is pronounced as "zuh" and sounds like the first syllable of the word "zebra." The final syllable, "m," is pronounced as "m" and rhymes with the word "gum."

To practice pronouncing "autism," you can start by saying each syllable slowly and then gradually increase your speed. Repeat the syllables "aw," "ti," "zuh," and "m" several times to become more familiar with the pronunciation. You can also listen to recordings or watch videos of native English speakers saying the word to further refine your pronunciation.

It is important to note that "autism" is a complex disorder, and the understanding and acceptance of individuals with autism is crucial for building an inclusive society. By pronouncing "autism" accurately and respectfully, we can contribute to creating a more compassionate and inclusive environment for individuals with autism.

In conclusion, the word "autism" is pronounced as "aw-ti-zuhm" in English. Remember to break it down into four syllables - "aw," "ti," "zuh," and "m." By practicing the pronunciation and promoting understanding, we can foster a more inclusive society for individuals with autism.




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