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全国自闭症康复机构 自闭症康复机构认证
Dr. Beth Williamson
人物姓名: Dr. Beth Williamson
人物性质: 机构督导
所属单位: 深圳长和大蕴儿童康复门诊部
人物特长: 症状评估| 干预训练| 理论研究
所在区域: 广东省深圳市
人物专长: Beth Williamson 博士拥有 36 年丰富的儿科作业治疗师经验,获得美国作业治疗协会(AOTA)颁发给儿科作业治疗师的最高等级证书,从事神经发育注册治疗师和注册婴儿按摩治疗师 30余年。她在美国多所学院及高校担任教授,在残障儿童的照顾和治疗及儿童喂食领域培养国内外人才。Beth 曾创办诊所,具备 10 年的临床管理经验。

Dr. Beth Williamson简介


Dr. Beth Williamson;治疗总顾问| Therapy Consultant;儿科作业治疗 临床博士学位;美国注册作业治疗师执业资格;注册神经发育治疗师

Beth Williamson 博士拥有 36 年丰富的儿科作业治疗师经验,获得美国作业治疗协会(AOTA)颁发给儿科作业治疗师的最高等级证书,从事神经发育注册治疗师和注册婴儿按摩治疗师 30余年。她在美国多所学院及高校担任教授,在残障儿童的照顾和治疗及儿童喂食领域培养国内外人才。Beth 曾创办诊所,具备 10 年的临床管理经验。


Beth Williamson has been a pediatric occupational therapist for the past 36 years. She has an earned clinical doctorate in Pediatric Occupational Therapy and has the highest certificate awarded to pediatric OTs by the American Occupational Therapy Association. Additionally, she has been a certified Neurodevelopmental Certified Therapist and Certified Infant Massage Therapist for more than 30 years. She has been a professor of OT at various 

colleges and universities in the US. She has taught professionals nationally and internationally on the care and treatment of children with physical disabilities and feeding. Beth owned her own clinic and was its Clinical Director for 10 years. She is joining the Shenzhen Olivia’s Place/LIH clinic as our General Manager.

Language: English




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