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全国自闭症康复机构 自闭症康复机构认证
人物姓名: 唐豫
人物性质: 机构督导
所属单位: 上海学建教育管理咨询有限公司
人物特长: 干预训练| 理论研究
所在区域: 上海上海市
人物专长: 职能干预专家 感统统合专家 项目专家 美国南加利福尼亚大学职能干预硕士学位 美国纽约大学研究与实验心理学学士 美国纽约大学计量经济学与数量经济学学士




Occupational Therapist
Sensory Integration Specialist
Program Specialist
M.A., Occupational Therapy
University of Southern California, US
B.A. Research and Experimental Psychology
B.A. Econometrics and Quantitative Economics                      
New York University
Mandarin, English
Tony is a certified occupational therapist. He is from Hangzhou China and acquired his training in the US. He is a member of the American Occupational Therapy Association and the Occupational Therapy Association of California. He holds a master’s degree in occupational therapy from the University of Southern California, a double Bachelor of Arts and a minor in social work from New York University. Currently, he is in the process of completing a Doctorate in Occupational Therapy with an advanced clinical practice track in pediatrics from the University of Southern California. Building upon his foundation in psychology, Tony has provided occupational therapy services to diverse populations with various needs in the US and China. His clinical experience spans from working on coping skills and life skills with adolescents, social engagement for the elderly, to supporting children with special needs in Hangzhou. Given his extensive professional background, Tony discovered that his true passion lies in working with children and serving individuals with special needs. He joins ELG’s interdisciplinary team to provide dedicated and comprehensive support to all children to help them achieve their potential.




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