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Jinane Diab
人物姓名: Jinane Diab
人物性质: 机构督导
所属单位: 上海学建教育管理咨询有限公司
人物特长: 干预训练
所在区域: 上海上海市
人物专长: 国籍:黎巴嫩 言语语言病理学家 黎巴嫩大学言语语言病理学学士 法语、英语、阿拉伯语

Jinane Diab简介


Jinane 致力于研究听觉障碍、语言发育迟缓、发音和口吃,她注重早期干预。针对听障者运用语调听觉方法和听觉训练很有经验。在加入学建之前,她曾在黎巴嫩的一所特殊教育学校担任过12年的言语语言病理主任,负责管理培训人员和支持有听力障碍的儿童。作为一名独立的言语语言病理学家,她为存在学习困难和各种特殊需求的幼儿提供个性化服务。2010年,她在黎巴嫩第二届国家研讨会上发表了题为 "早期干预的重要性 "的演讲,主题是 "失聪、学习和研究"。在上海,Jinane主要为法国社区提供提供支持,提供个人治疗、评估,并帮助解决语言发展迟缓和发音问题。作为一个母亲和一个专家,她的动机始终是为儿童提供必要的工具来表达自己以及沟通,同时也帮助父母相信他们的孩子。

Speech-Language Pathologist
B.S. Speech-Language Pathology
Lebanese University, Lebanon
French, English, Arabic
Jinane specializes in hearing impairments, language delays, articulation and stuttering, with a key focus on early intervention. She is experienced with the verbo-tonal method and auditory training for the hearing impaired. Prior to joining ELG, she worked as the head of speech-language pathology at a special school in Lebanon for 12 years, where she oversaw trainees and supported children with hearing impairments. She also worked as an independent speech language pathologist, serving young children with learning difficulties and various special needs. In 2010, she spoke on “The Importance of Early Intervention” at the Second National Colloquium: Deafness, Study and Research in Lebanon. In Shanghai, Jinane mainly supports the French community, providing individual therapy, assessments and helping with language development delay and articulation. As both a mother and a professional, she is always motivated by the idea of providing children with the necessary tools to express themselves and communicate, while also helping parents believe in their children’s capabilities.




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