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全国自闭症康复机构 自闭症康复机构认证
人物姓名: 杨静丹
人物性质: 机构督导
所属单位: 上海学建教育管理咨询有限公司
人物特长: 干预训练
所在区域: 上海上海市
人物专长: 言语语言病理学家 项目专家 临床语言学理学硕士 荷兰格罗宁根大学 德国波茨坦大学 芬兰东芬兰大学



Speech-Language Pathologist
Program Specialist
 M.Sc. Clinical Linguistics
University of Groningen, Netherlands
University of Potsdam, Germany
University of Eastern Finland, Finland
B.Ed. Speech and Hearing Sciences
Beijing Language and Culture University
Mandarin, English, French
Jingdan is a multilingual speech-language pathologist trained in a broad range of areas in psycholinguistics and neurolinguistics. As the recipient of the prestigious Erasmus Mundus joint master’s degree scholarship awarded by the European Union, Jingdan furthered her studies in clinical linguistics, deepening her understanding of developmental language disorders, language impairments, autism, bilingualism/multilingualism, first/second language acquisition, etc. With her passion for clinical work, Jingdan gained professional experience at a special education school, private clinic and a public hospital, where she provided therapy to children and adults with speech-language disorders. Most of her clinical experience involves working with individuals with various types of speech-language disorders. As a speech-language pathologist in ELG’s Programs, she carries out assessments and provides interventions to support children and their families. She believes in collaboration and that trust is the key to effective therapy. With her passion for language learning, Jingdan loves supporting multilingual children with speech-language disorders.




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