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全国自闭症康复机构 自闭症康复机构认证
人物姓名: 唐郁惠
人物性质: 机构督导
所属单位: 上海学建教育管理咨询有限公司
人物特长: 干预训练| 机构管理| 理论研究
所在区域: 上海上海市
人物专长: 澳大利亚昆士兰大学 言语病理学硕士 美国印第安纳大学伯明顿分校 认知科学学士 东亚语言与文化学士



唐郁惠是一名澳大利亚认证的言语语言病理学家,她专注于通过全方位管理的方法帮助患有各种言语或语言障碍的儿童发展其交流技能。她是澳大利亚语言病理学协会(SPA)及国际语音学协会的会员,也是加拿大Hanen中心认证的More Than Words®项目的言语病理学家。作为一名专业的言语病理学家,郁惠曾在国际的私人及政府医疗机构工作过,包括昆士兰州教育部的特殊学校与主流学校。她拥有丰富的临床经验,为患有自闭症谱系障碍、注意力缺陷多动障碍、发音障碍、智力障碍及语言发育迟缓的儿童提供评估与干预服务。郁惠熟悉幼儿早期干预、实施各种AAC(辅助与替代沟通)系统,并利用Lidcombe计划与Westmead计划干预学龄前及学龄段儿童的口吃障碍。郁惠擅长通过与孩子家人和老师密切合作,以寻找最适合每个孩子的性格、习惯及家庭情况的干预方式。她致力于通过言语语言干预发展孩子的独立生活能力,提高孩子的日常生活品质从而让孩子能够充分发挥自己的潜能。

Speech-Language Pathologist  
M.S. Speech Pathology Studies
University of Queensland, Australia
B.A. Cognitive Science
B.A. East Asian Language and Culture   
Indiana University Bloomington, USA
Mandarin, English, Japanese
Zoe Tang is an Australia-certified speech pathologist who focuses on using a holistic approach to support children with a variety of speech and language disorders develop their communication skills. She is a member of Speech Pathology Australia (SPA), the International Phonetic Association and is a Hanen certified speech pathologist for the More Than Words® Program. Zoe has worked professionally as a speech-language pathologist in various settings, including with the Queensland Department of Education at special and mainstream schools.
She has extensive clinical experience assessing and providing services to support children with autism spectrum disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, speech-sound disorders, intellectual disabilities and developmental language delays. Zoe believes in working collaboratively with key stakeholders and is familiar with early intervention for young children, implementing a variety of AAC (Augmentative and Alternative Communication) systems and using the Lidcombe Program and the Westmead Program to support preschool and school-age children with fluency disorders. Zoe loves working closely with families and teachers to find personalized ways to help generalize skills for everyday life. Zoe is passionate about making meaningful changes in children’s lives, seeing them grow and empowering them to reach their full potential.




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