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全国自闭症康复机构 自闭症康复机构认证
人物姓名: 王志中
人物性质: 机构督导
所属单位: 台湾儿童发展早期疗育协会
人物特长: 症状评估| 干预训练
所在区域: 台湾台北市
人物专长: 自闭症、过动症、脑性麻痺、发展迟缓、智能障碍等疗育、教学、亲职教育



王志中 资深职能治疗师



American College of Sports Medicine Health/Fitness Instructor
Pilates Method Alliance Certified Pilates Teacher  Stott Pilates Certified Stott Pilates Instructor
美国西雅图华盛顿大学Center on Human Development and Disability 早产儿出院后续追踪评估施测人员资格
Chiu-Ping Chen, Dong-Jenn Yang & Chih-Chung Wang (2014), “Exploring the persuasive effects and neural activities of message framing on a home-based program for children with disabilities”, Australia and New Zealand Academy of Management, Sydney, Australia, December, 3-5. (Best paper)

1. 高雄医学大学附设中和纪念医院复健科职能治疗组长
2. 高雄医学大学附设中和纪念医院复健科高级职能治疗师
3. 高雄医学大学附设中和纪念医院遗传咨询中心高级职能治疗师
4. 高雄医学大学附设中和纪念医院发展迟缓儿童联合鉴定中心高级职能治疗师
5. 高雄市、屏东县学校系统兼任职能治疗师
6. 教育部部定讲师
7. 高雄医学大学附设中和纪念医院临床实习讲师
8. 嘉南药理科技大学婴幼儿保育系兼任讲师
9. 屏东教育大学特殊教育系兼任讲师
10. 高雄市调色板协会感觉统合亲子团体课程讲师
11. 3C3Q童心创意文教机构师资培训讲师
12. 担任2015年由屏东县政府办理之「亲子共学系列讲座-主题四:在家实践生活自理」讲师担任2015年11月由屏东县仁爱国小办理之「有爱无碍亲职教育工作坊(3)、(4)、(5)、(6)场次」讲师
13. 担任2015年11月由屏东县政府办理之「亲子共学系列讲座-主题四:在家实践生活自理」讲师
14. 担任2015年10月由屏东县政府办理之「教师助理员暨学生助理员培训-身心障碍学生协助知能」讲师
15. 担任2015年7月由冈山身心障碍福利服务中心办理之「教师培育课程」讲师
16. 担任2015年8月由屏东县政府办理之「亲子共学系列讲座-主题四:在家实践动作训练」讲师
17. 担任2015年7月由屏东县政府教育局办理之「幼教人员培训课程」讲师
18. 担任2015年7月由高雄市政府教育局办理之「教师助理人员培训课程」讲师
19. 担任2015年7月由冈山身心障碍福利服务中心办理之「亲子互动系列」讲师
20. 担任2015年6月由珠海妇幼医院办理之「2015年儿童青少年心理行为问题诊治」讲师
21. 担任2015年3月由高雄市凤西国小办理之「前集中式特教班教师专业成长社群研习」讲师
22. 担任2014年12月由高雄市政府教育局办理之「教师助理人员培训课程」讲师
23. 担任2014年11月由天使心基金会办理之「注意力从做中学」演讲之讲师
24. 担任2014年11月屏东县政府教育局办理之「大脑一点灵,学习兴趣是?-精细动作场次」专题演讲之讲师
25. 担任2014年9月由屏东县政府教育局办理之「大脑一点灵,学习兴趣是?-粗大动作场次」专题演讲之讲师
26. 担任2014年7月由冈山身心障碍福利服务中心办理之「亲子互动系列」讲师
27. 担任2014年4月由屏东县政府教育局办理之「生活自理动手做」专题演讲之讲师
28. 担任2014年4月由冈山身心障碍福利服务中心办理之「教师培训课程」讲师
1. 高雄市政府社会局身心障碍专业团队ICF审查委员
2. 高雄市、屏东县教育局学生鉴定及辅导委员
3. 高雄医学大学职能治疗学系系友会理事长
4. 台湾童心创意亲子共学协会理事及学术顾问
5. 3C3Q童心创意学术研究顾问
6. 中华健康促进暨儿童发展协会理事兼秘书长
7. 台湾医事继续教育学会理事
8. 台湾多元体操协会监事
9. 高屏复健治疗专业团队总召
10. 高雄市冈山身心障碍福利服务中心专业顾问

1. Dong-Jenn Yang, Chih-Chung Wang, & Chiu-Ping Chen. (2015). Promoting functional outcome of stroke patients: The effect of regulatory focus, therapy frequency and message framing. International Journal of Management, Economics and Social Science, 4(2), 42-57.
2. Chen, M. D., Tsai, H. Y., Wang, C. C., & Wuang, Y. P. (2015). The effectiveness of racket-sport intervention on visual perception and executive functions in children with mild intellectual disabilities and borderline intellectual functioning. Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, 11, 2287-2297.
3. Yi-Ting Wan, Ching-Sui Chiang, Sharon Chia-Ju Chen, Chih-Chung Wang, Yee-Pay Wuan. (2015). Profiles of visual perceptual functions in Down syndrome. Research in Developmental Disabilities.
4. Wen Lan Wu, Ying-Yi Chen, Chih-Chung Wang, Chia-Hsin Chen, Lan-Yuen Guo, Lih-Jiun Liaw. (2014). Influence of working memory task and time on postural control in children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. The Journal of Physical Therapy Science, 26(3), 345-347. (SCI, Rehabilitation, 0.271, 41/44=0.93.
5. 王志中、黄茂雄、杨文中、苏瑞兴、巫唐孟、江青穗、陈秋坪,(2014),从神经营销角度探讨治疗所营销方式,台湾职能治疗研究与实务杂志特刊,10(2) ,128-137。
6. Chen, Y.Y., Liaw, L.J., Liang, J.M., Huang, W.T., Wang, C.C., & Wu, W.L. (2013). Timing perception and motor coordination on rope jumping in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Physical Therapy in Sport, 14(2), 105-109.
7. Wang, C.C. Wuang, Y.P., & Huang, M. H. (2012). Improving physical fitness in children with Down syndrome. 台湾职能治疗学会杂志
8. Wang, C.C. & Chen C.P. (2012). What influences cooperative motivation of foreign brides from Southeast Asian countries in Taiwan? Chinese Business Review, 11(6), 571-579.
9. Wuang, Y.P. Wang, C.C., & Huang, M. H. (2012). Health-related quality of life in children with developmental coordination disorder and their parents. The Occupational Therapy Journal of Research. (SCI)
10. Chen, Y.Y., Chen, C.H., Wang, C.C., Liaw, L.J., Gua, L.Y., & Wu, W.L. (2012). Comparison of dynamic balance under dual and simple task conditions in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Journal of Physical Therapy Science, 24(4), 633-637. (SCI)
11. Wen-Lan Wu, Chih-Chung Wang, Chia-Hsin Chen, Chiou-Lian Lai, Pin-chen Yang, Lan-Yuen Guo, (2012). Influence of Therapy Ball Seats on Attentional Ability in Children with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Journal of Physical Therapy Science, 24(11). (SCI, Rehabilitation, 0.271, 41/44=0.93, Accepted
12. Chih-Chung Wang, Mao-Hsiung Huang, Yee-Pay Wuang (2012). Improving Physical Fitness in Children with Down Syndrome. Journal of Taiwan Occupational Therapy Association, 30(1), 68-86.
13. Wuang, Y.P., Chiang, C.S., Su, C.Y. & Wang, C.C. (2011). Effectiveness of virtual reality using Wii game technology in children with Down syndrome. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 32(1), 312-321. (SCI)
14. Wuang, Y.P., Wang, C.C., Huang, M.H., & Su, C.Y. (2010). The effectiveness of stimulated developmental horse-riding programs in children with autism. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 27(2), 113-126. (SCI)
15. Wuang, Y.P., Wang, C.C., Huang, M.H., & Su, C.Y. (2009). Prospective study of the effects of sensory integration, neurodevelopmental treatment, and perceptual motor therapy on the sensorimotor performance in children with mild mental retardation. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 63(4), 439-450. (SSCI)
16. Wuang, Y.P., Wang, C.C., Huang, M.H., & Su, C.Y. (2008). Profiles and cognitive predictors of motor functions among early school-age children with mild intellectual disabilities. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 52(12), 1048-1060. (SSCI)
17. 汪宜霈、王志中:模拟骑乘活动应用于唐氏症儿童疗效之研究:职能治疗学会杂志 2009;27:51-64。
18. 卢佩蓉、王志中、梁文隆:就读大专院校之肢体障碍学生对于校园无障碍环境现况及满意度调查:职能治疗学会杂志 2006;24:67-78。
19. 汪宜霈、王志中、蔡宪裕:感觉统合与知觉动作训练对发展迟缓儿童疗效之比较:职能治疗学会杂志 2003;21:29-44。
20. 感觉统合话家常(I)、(II)、(III)、(IV)。财团法人台湾自闭症基金会会讯,224、225、226、227期
21. 自闭症与心智理论。财团法人台湾自闭症基金会会讯,234期
22. 写字颠三倒四怎么办(上)、(下)。财团法人台湾自闭症基金会会讯,284、285期
23. 自闭症诊断在精神疾病诊断与统计手册第五版。财团法人台湾自闭症基金会会讯,283期
24. 从「星」感觉、统合「星」能力系列1:感觉区辨(上)、(下) 。财团法人台湾自闭症基金会会讯,286、287期
25. 从「星」感觉、统合「星」能力系列3:「星」眼仙踪。财团法人台湾自闭症基金会会讯,288期
26. 从「星」感觉,统合「星」能力系列2: 眼到、手到、「星」协调。财团法人台湾自闭症基金会会讯,289期
27. 从「星」感觉、统合「星」能力系列4:启动「星」视界、创造「星」知觉(上)、(下) 。财团法人台湾自闭症基金会会讯,300、301期
28. 仰卧起坐轻松做。财团法人台湾自闭症基金会会讯,302期
29. 体适能活动对泛自闭症孩童的介入效果(上)、(下)。财团法人台湾自闭症基金会会讯,306,307期
1. Chiu-Ping Chen, Dong-Jenn Yang & Chih-Chung Wang (2014), “Exploring the persuasive effects and neural activities of message framing on a home-based program for children with disabilities”, Australia and New Zealand Academy of Management, Sydney, Australia, December, 3-5.
2. Chiu-Ping Chen, Chih-Chung Wang & Dong-Jenn Yang (2013), “Exploring the influential factors related to cooperative motivation between rehabilitative clinics”, SIBR (Society of Interdisciplinary Business Research), Bangkok, Thailand, June, 6-8.
3. Chiu-Ping Chen, Dong-Jenn Yang & Chih-Chung Wang (2012), “Self-efficacy moderates the effect of message framing on therapeutic exercise”, Social Science Research Society, Izmir, Turkey, April, 27-29.
4. Chiu-Ping Chen, Dong-Jenn Yang & Chih-Chung Wang (2012), “Exploring the moderating influence of self-efficacy on message framing effects: chronic pain related therapeutic exercise”, The 8th Asia Academy of Management 2012 Conference, Seoul, Korea, December, 10-12.
5. Hui-Yu Shih, Chih-Chung Wang, Jing-Min Liang, Wei-Tso Hung, Ying-Yi Chen, Jia-Hroung Wu, Wen-Lan Wu, 2012, “Emergency Brake Response Time after Stroke”, American college of sports medicine’s 59th Annual meeting, San Francisco, USA, May 29 to June 2.
6. Huei-Yu Shih, Chih-Chung Wang, Jing-Min Liang, Wei-Tso Hung, Wen-Lan Wu, 2012, “Motor planning and performance during simulated driving in healthy young men and old men”, 2012 International Symposium on Biomechanics combined with the Annual Scientific Meeting of Taiwanese Society of Biomechanics, Taiwan, Nov 23-24.
7. Chiu-Ping Chen & Chih-Chung Wang (2011), “The effects of warm-up exercise with weighted vests on jump performance of handicapped children”, Asian Association for Sports Management, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, July, 8-11.
8. Chiu-Ping Chen, Dong-Jenn Yang & Chih-Chung Wang (2011), “Exploring the factors related to cooperative motivation of foreign brides in Taiwan”, International Academy of Management and Business, San Francisco, U.S.A., November, 7-9.
9. Chiu-Ping Chen, Dong-Jenn Yang & Chih-Chung Wang (2011), “Neuromarketing application to interpret communication effects of the advertisements”, Australia and New Zealand Academy of Management, Wellington, New Zealand, December, 7-9.
10. Ying-Yi Chen, Lih-Jiun Liaw, Jing-Min Liang, Wei-Tso Hung, Chih-Chung Wang, Wen-Lan Wu, 2011, Timing Perception and Motor Coordination on Rope Jumping in Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, 2011 International Biomechanics Conference and annual Meeting of Taiwanese Society of Biomechanics, Taiwan, October 20-21.
 1. 巫唐孟、宋宛妮、王志中、陈秋坪、俞廷玮、梁晋伟、吴彦儒、何文献,「悦趣式数位学习在发展迟缓儿童视觉动作整合训练之应用」,高雄市职能治疗师临床经验与学术研究发表会,2015年,高雄展览馆,高雄。
2. 王志中、王建升、巫唐孟、郑力崎、黄茂雄,「模拟太极运动治疗介入对中风病人平衡功能及功能性活动上的改善」,高雄市职能治疗师临床经验与学术研究发表会,2015年,高雄展览馆,高雄。
3. 黄倩伶、黄茂雄、巫唐孟、锺心颖、王志中,「互动性游戏装置对发展障碍儿童视知觉功能训练成效之探讨」,高雄市职能治疗师公会学术研讨会,2014年,高雄医学大学,高雄。
4. 王志中、陈秋坪、巫唐孟、蔡沛均、万羿廷,「调节焦点、复健频率和沟通讯息对中风患者的预后效果」,高雄市职能治疗师公会学术研讨会,2012年,高雄医学大学,高雄。
5. 王志中、陈秋坪、巫唐孟,「探讨身心障碍孩童居家复见沟通讯息的说服效果和神经活动」,第31次社团法人台湾职能治疗学会学术研讨会,2012年,中山医学大学,台中。(优良论文奖第三名)
6. Huei-Yu Shih, Lan-Yuen Guo, Chih-Chung Wang, Jing-Min Liang, Wei-Tso Hung, Wen-Lan Wu, 2012, “Motor planning and performance during simulated driving in healthy young men”, “台湾物理治疗学会学术研讨会”, ROC (Taiwan), Kaohsiung, Sep. 22.
7. 施卉渝, 王志中, 梁靖民, 洪维佐, 吴汶兰, 2012, “Emergency Brake Response Time during simulated driving after Stroke”, 高雄市职能治疗师公会职能治疗临床经验与研究发表会, ROC (Taiwan), Kaohsiung, Dec. 16.
8. Wen-Lan Wu, Jing-Min Liang, Chih-Chung Wang, Chiou-Lian Lai, Pin-chen Yang, Chia-Hsin Chen, 2010, “Comparison of Attention Shift under Dual and Simple Task Conditions in Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder”, 2010年台湾生物力学学会及台湾运动生物力学学会联合年会暨学术研讨会, ROC (Taiwan), Tainan, Oct. 29-30.
Huang Cho-Lung, Wang Chih-Chung, Liang Jing-Min, Chiou-Lian Lai, Pin-chen Yang, Wu Wen-Lan, “The Influence of Therapy Ball Seats on the Attention Ability in Children with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder”, 2009年度生物医学工程科技研讨会, ROC (Taiwan), Taipei, Dec. 711-12.




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